These 3 beasts belong to a regular customer of mine that I valeted on Tuesday in the down pour the only saving grace was that they had a large garage so I was able to finish them off inside typical tho after I was finished the sun dicided to come out

I’ve now had the privilege to have been looking after this old Merc SLK for the last couple of years and for a car that’s over 20 years old it still comes up well after a valet

this Range Rover is owned by one of my regular customers and gets treated to a weekly maintenance valet and is always a pleasure to work on and for its age is a prime example of how regular cleaning can make a difference in how a vehicle ages

due to the current weather I’m having to choose what work I’m doing rain or light snow I can still do interior work freezing temperatures I pretty much have to stop as not only do my products freeze if I wash a vehicle down it ices over pretty much straight away it also makes the ground dangerous for people to walk on so if you’re wanting any valeting work done please take this into account during this weather spell

first job from Friday of last week this Range Rover for a regular customer half way through cleaning it the heavens opened and it started pouring down so I got out my new car umbrella and was able to finish it off

Hi just a general update it’s now even easier to get in touch by the means of this website, text or phone or even Facebook or in person if you see me out and about in the recently redone work vehicle

leather seats can sometimes be a little difficult in that what do you use to clean them well over the years I’ve used a lot of different products to clean leather but have found one that I really like and as you can see from this merc E class interior it does a pretty good job of removing the dirt and grime

this is a Audi A4 interior that I was asked to make a bit more presentable as it Had stood for awhile and was going to be sold at a auction a few days later I didn’t go over it fully as I did not have a lot of time but concentrated on the seats as that’s what was needed the most by the customer